Patio roses

Patio roses

Patio roses are simply smaller roses that grow very compact but quite never exceeding a height of 50 cm. Nearly unknown until a few years ago, they are becoming nowadays more appreciated, due mainly to the discovery of their generous and long-lasting bloomings. Indeed, patio roses produce numerous flowers, and they do so continuously from the beginning of Spring till the beginning of Winter (obviously only if cultivated in the appropriate way and pruned correctly). Flowers of patio roses come in many different colours, but both blooms and leaves (that are always green), have a slightly lesser size than normal ones. Patio roses can be grown in gardens but are especially suited to be cultivated in pots or other containers. Furthermore they don't require neither huge quantities of water or special attentions. With little effort you can therefore have gorgeous roses throughout the Spring and Summer seasons. Their beauty will decorate in a simple but elegant way all your outdoor spaces. Here you will find all our range of patio roses.

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