Perfect Match ® floribunda rose

Perfect Match ®

The Perfect Match has been selected by Harkness in 2014 and its flowers are double, 6 cm in diameter, with a rosetta form and filled with 40 purple-pink petals that have a silver underside; slightly scented. The plant grows compact, strong and hardy to a height of 80 cm and spreads up to 60 cm. Its leaves are large, matte dark green. It has a good disease-resistance.

Perfect Match ®
Rose name Breeder Description
Perfect Match ® Harkness The Perfect Match is a Floribunda rose selected in 2014 that features a peculiar colour with hues ranging from crimson through pink to silver. It has a delicate fragrance.
Price Weight
12,90 2,5 kg

vaso 2,4 Litri

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