Floribunda roses

Floribunda roses

If you are looking for a Floribunda Rose to plant in your garden, you will find in this section a wide range to choose from and have delivered at your doorstep. The Floribunda Rose is a very peculiar variety, born as a breed between Tea Hybrids and Polyantha Roses, created especially to have unique and peculiar roses with generous blooms that are both big and with a long-lasting blooming season. Nearly all Floribundas are repeat-flowering that are highly appreciated for the high number of blooms that are displayed in big bunches. The Floribundas grow usually to a height of more than 100-150 cm with a bushy-shrub habit. Nonetheless there are Floribundas varieties that grow smaller, with a height of the classic shrub rose, but with blooms that are of a higher quality and beauty. In this section you will find all our range of Floribundas, with different sizes and colours. Rose.it has yellow coloured Floribundas like the Doris Day, or yellow-pink like the Michel Serrault, you can find the orange coloured Arabia or the red Niccolò Paganini. The bloom of this kind of rose is unmistakable for the richness and abundance of the petals. Nearly all the Floribundas in our range feature an excellent fragrance that is delicate and pleasant. The height of these roses range from 50-70 cm to 150 cm like the Sally Holmes, a repeat-flowering rose that can grow to a height of 120-150 cm.

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