Parfum Royal® hybrid tea rose

Parfum Royal® - ADAborop

Double flower, centered, cupped, 13 cm in diameter, filled with 35 deep pink, turbinated petals with a cream underside, intensely scented. Robust and vigorous, grows up to 100 cm in height; reflowering, has dark green glossy foliage. Suitable for cutting, it was awarded in 2011 with The Rose of the Century in Lyon and obtained the silver medal in Madrid; in 2009 it won a certificate of merit and the Rose Coup de Coeur award, Choix des enfants in Bagatelle (Paris). Selected by Adam and presented by Nirp, it is part of the NIRPARFUM® collection.

Parfum Royal® - ADAborop
Rose name Breeder Description
Parfum Royal® - ADAborop Nirp Elegant pink hybrid tea rose with a cream underside and an intense aroma, it's disease-resistant
Price Weight
13,20 2,5 kg

vaso 2,4 Litri

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