With the Romantic Rose definition we are talking about peculiar varieties, belonging to the Tea Hybrids and Floribundas, known and appreciated for their ability to blend the distinctive features and indisputable charm of the Old Roses with the strenghts of the modern ones. This way it is possible to have blooms that are full, delicate and with a rich fragrance, gifted with thousands of different hues and shades that range from pale pink through red, ochre or cream to lilac and purple, as, for instance the gorgeous Heidi Klum Rose or the Dioressence-Deldior. The Romantic Roses add the advantages of modern roses to the typical features of the Old Roses, like a long lasting blooming season and a strong disease-resistance that can undermine their health. In this section of www.rose.it it is possible to learn more about the intriguing Romantic Roses, the perfect plants to bring uniqueness into your garden.