Pierre Cardin ® - Meilolipo hybrid tea rose

Pierre Cardin ® - Meilolipo

The blooms of this Hybrid Tea rose have 32 petals of an intense pink colour, sprinkled with even darker pink tones, with a strong fragrance of old-fashioned rose and green Hexenyl ,and a high resistance to diseases and frost. Suitable to be pot-grown but also to be cultivated in gardens. Grandiflora rose with flowers 12 cm in diameter and a bushy habit that reaches a height of 80-110 cm and a spread of 70 cm.

Pierre Cardin ® - Meilolipo
Rose name Breeder Description
Pierre Cardin ® - Meilolipo Meilland The wonderful Pierre Cardin rose has pink coloured petals with flecks and splashes of purple. The scent is delicious.
Price Weight
13,20 2,5 kg

vaso 2,4 Litri

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