Sweet Revelation® -Chimène® - Sue Hipkin® hybrid tea rose

Sweet Revelation® -Chimène® - Sue Hipkin®

The Sweet Revelation is a Grandiflora Hybrid Tea rose with double blooms that are large, full, quartered, 11 cm in diameter and filled with more than 50 petals of an elegant apricot-peach colour. It's a repeat-flowering and fragrant variety; the plant grows to a height of 100 cm and a spread of 70 cm with a glossy, dark green foliage. Quite disease-resistant.

Sweet Revelation® -Chimène® - Sue Hipkin®
Rose name Breeder Description
Sweet Revelation® -Chimène® - Sue Hipkin® Harkness The Sweet Revelation is a repeat-flowering rose with apricot-peach blooms that exhale a strong scent. Repeat-flowering.
Price Weight
13,20 2,5 kg

vaso 2,4 Litri