Despite the very special and unique appearance of nostalgic roses, suggesting that you are faced with particular roses also in terms of care and maintenance, these roses do not need special precautions. The care of nostalgic roses è identical to the care of other roses, both as regards pruning and fertilization and cultivation in general. The pruning periods are identical to those of the other varietiesà of roses, così such as those for fertilization and for most of the cultivation interventions. However, let's see in detail the care that nostalgic roses need by reviewing the main cultivation interventions.
The pruning of nostalgic roses should be done at the end of winter or autumn, depending on whether the variety 26-agrave; of roses we are growing bloom on new branches or on 2 year old branches. If we are faced with nostalgic roses that bloom on the branches of the second year we will not have to prune them at the end of the 26-rsquo; winter if we want to have flowers but we will have to intervene l’ previous autumn, when the rose has finished the seasonal flowering. In the case of roses that bloom on the branches of the 26-rsquo; year, pruning will go on 26-year-old; performed at the end of the 26-rsquo; winter, when the più period; cold è past and not è vegetative restart; still started. The pruning of nostalgic roses does not è never too intense and è a short resizing of the branches is enough to give new strength and new vigor to these roses. Most of the nostalgic ones are in fact bushy roses or shrub roses for which we owe more; what else to contain the growth and at the same time give a little bit; stimulation of growth through cutting.
Another very important care for nostalgic roses è fertilization. The main fertilization of the rose garden should be done in winter, when the cold phase is più acute è past and the season is turning towards spring. In this period of 26-rsquo; year è It is advisable to distribute organic fertilizer on the soil that returns part of the lost substances to the soil, such as nitrogen, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium and other important elements. Organic fertilizer può be distributed under a mulch layer of bark or other material, so that the release is slow and gradual and the benefits are optimal. A’ other very important fertilization è the summer one, to be carried out after the flowering period is più intense è past. This fertilization, più reduced and contained both in quantityà that in qualityà of manure, serveà to give vigor to the plants for the final phase of the growing season and for the moreù blooms; late.
One of the most important questions; frequent among rose lovers è how much to water the rose garden. Without doubt the quantityà of water to give to roses è something very variable over time, depending on the temperatures and the type of soil. In theory, the soil should only be irrigated when it is &severe; dry or after having felt it with a finger and having verified a low degree of humidity; in the ground. Watering must be very abundant when done and a good rule is è water maybe once less but give plenty of water when irrigating the soil. Logically, when the temperatures rise, you need toà water with più and più frequently, following a bit’ l’ climatic trend of the seasons.