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Fertilize the roses
After having an overview of the nutrients needed by roses we can start talking about the actual fertilization. First of all, the best times to fertilize roses are essentially two: late winter and the period from August to September. Past the period of cold più intense, in winter è it is advisable to make a superficial fertilization with organic fertilizer such as mature manure. This fertilization will serveà to slowly release nutrients that will go into the soil by leaching. It would be ideal to partially bury the fertilizer with a very, very light surface harrowing, taking care not to damage the roots of the roses. The second period in which è it is advisable to make a light fertilization è the month of August-beginning of September, the period in which the rose is already 26-agrave; widely exploited soil nutrients for physiological processes and a può fertilization; improve the blooms of the terminal part of the growing season.
Which fertilizer to choose
Fertilizers for roses can be of its main types: organic and mineral. In nurseries and garden centers they are easily found; mineral products specially designed and manufactured for roses. The peculiarityà of these fertilizers è to be specially balanced for the needs of the roses. Usually these are liquid fertilizers to be administered with rose irrigations. Organic fertilizers are the classic fertilizers of animal origin, made with cow or horse manure and sold in the form of flour or pellets. These fertilizers are optimally balanced from a nutritional point of view but have the disadvantage of often containing the seeds of weeds that have been eaten by animals.