Plant the roses

Planting roses è one of the first operations that are performed when buying a seedling and therefore one of the first things that can affect the growth of plants. Roses can be sold either in earthen bread or bare root and depending on whether they are purchased of one or the other type there are things to know and do when planting the plant. The più method; simple and più safe planting è certainly that of earthy bread roses but also bare root roses have their advantages. Although currently è very difficult to see and be able to carry out planting of roses carried out according to the rule of art, especially due to the limited time that both professionals and gardening enthusiasts have available, there would be good rules to keep. These rules concern all the main steps in the planting of roses, from the opening of the hole to the final flattening of the ground and are small tricks that added together give an excellent final result. Now let's see step by step all the things to do to plant roses correctly.

Potted roses or bare root roses?

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Errore HTTP 404.15 - Not Found

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Cause più probabili:

  • Per il server Web è configurato il filtro delle richieste per negare la richiesta quando la stringa di query è troppo lunga.

Possibili operazioni:

  • Verificare l'impostazione configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits@maxQueryString nel file applicationhost.config o web.config.

Informazioni dettagliate sull'errore:

Modulo   RequestFilteringModule
Notifica   BeginRequest
Gestore   ASPClassic
Codice errore   0x00000000
URL richiesto
Percorso fisico   \ ranslate ranslate.asp
Metodo di accesso   Non ancora determinato
Utente di accesso   Non ancora determinato

Altre informazioni:

Funzionalità di sicurezza. Non modificare tale funzionalità se non si è certi dell'ambito della modifica. È possibile configurare il server IIS per rifiutare le richieste con una stringa di query superiore a un valore specificato. Questo errore viene restituito se la stringa di query è superiore al valore configurato. Per aumentare la lunghezza consentita della stringa di query, modificare l'impostazione configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits@maxQueryString.

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How to make the hole for the roses

Let's start from the basics to describe how a correct planting of roses must take place. First of all we have to talk about the hole and how it is to be built. The hole that will goà to host the roses it must be opened a few days before the actual planting, at least 6-7 days before. A hole must be dug at least 1.5-2 times the size of the earthen bread of the rose, while if we plant bare-rooted roses we must take care to open a hole large enough to allow the initial development of the root system (26-rsquo; 30-0 cm in diameter). Opening the hole a few days before and letting it air in the sunlight will improve fertility; of the più layers; low soil and significantly improves the transplant phase.

How to plant roses

Once the hole has been opened, we proceed with the first step, which is the drafting of a draining layer with material such as gravel, gravel, pumice stone or expanded clay. This 2-3 finger layer at the bottom of the hole will allow us to; to improve the drainage of the plant and the soil, avoiding water stagnation which can cause serious damage to the root system and subsequently to the whole plant. Once this draining layer has been created, depending on whether we have to plant a rose with a bare root or a rose in bread of earth, we will proceed in different ways. In the case of the rose in earthen bread we are going to mix some garden soil with floured or pelleted manure and then spread this mix on the bottom of the hole. Then we will place the plant with its earthen bread all’ inside the hole and we will fill the empty areas with garden soil. Once we have finished filling these areas we will finally have to tread on the ground and compress it well, making sure that the rose is straight and that the foot of the plant is not below the level of the ground.