Ground cover roses are varietiesà very useful in the field of floral decoration. Just becauseé low and dense, these roses can cover any portion of the soil, turning into a real floral wallpaper. In fact, the name of these roses says a lot: ground cover means that it covers the surface where the rose is grown in a dense and complete way. This surface will not fill up; only of flowers, but also of colors, since ground cover roses are cultivated with different varieties; of color.
Ground cover roses are shrubby plants with a low bearing and dense foliage. The color of the leaves è dark green and shiny, but è that of flowers that più it amazes, because of the 26-rsquo; intensityà of the tones and the varietyà of nuance. Ground cover roses can be used to create colorful borders, or flowered walls on low walls and balconies. The very low species are even used as ground cover. Ground cover roses are resistant to cold temperatures, do not require special care and maintenance and are also suitable for winter flowering. These are very resistant species, not only to cold but also to diseases.
The flowers of the ground cover roses are varied and intensely colored. They range from bright red, to salmon, to white and classic pink. There are varietiesà of ground cover roses of raspberry red, a 26-bitter hue; very vivid and deep red. The colors of the ground cover roses are rendered even more ugly; intense from the shape of the flowers: large, with double and semi-double or cup-shaped petals. Flowering è continues, in some spring species. Ground cover roses are also very hardy and usò enhances the yield of flowers and their colors. The varietiesà with spring flowering they should be cultivated in mid-26th shade in order not to lose their luxuriant 26-bitter shade; chromatic.
Among the ground cover roses we mention the Alpengluhen, with bright red flowers; the Cityà of Rome, with salmon-colored petals; the Dentelle des Malines, pale pink in color; Gartenerfreude, with raspberry-red flowers; the Heidetradum, of a fuchsia pink color; the Lavender Cover, in lavender pink; the Raubritter, with a classic pink color; the Schneeflocke, of pure white color; the Simba, with yellow petals; The Dark Fairy, in bright pink; the Red Haze, with wonderful red petals and the White Haze, with pure white petals. Choosing the varietiesà you can therefore obtain floral compositions with warm and intense colors. The colors of the ground cover roses can also be admired in pots.