The scented English roses are special roses that combine the charm of English roses and their blooms with an excellent, unique and always pleasant perfume. There are several species of scented English roses, such as Claire Austin, Benjamin Britten, Lady Emma Hamilton and many more. The characteristics of these roses are the same as those of normal English roses, except for the extraordinary scent they are able to give off.
As surely as many aficionados of roses già they know, English roses are born from a special character, David Austin. Quest’ English man fond of roses è was the father of English roses. In fact, thanks to his passion David Austin beganò to hybridize roses almost for fun, trying to obtain particular hybrids. After a while’ Austin hybridò experiments; some varietiesà of ancient roses with the più beautiful early modern rosesò to try, experiment after experiment, to obtain the best characteristics of both roses. It was the years ’ 60 of the twentieth century when David Austin began ò to produce its English roses, special roses with the shapes of the beautiful old roses, combined with the vigorous re-flowering of modern roses. From ancient roses, in fact, English roses have taken the shape of flowers, which are large, with cup-shaped rosette corollas. From modern roses, on the other hand, English roses have taken on the capacity; to flourish in a strong and vigorous way. Combining these two characteristics Austin è managed to produce special roses that have had international success. As of 26-rsquo; today David Austin's English roses continue to be produced in Albrighton, headquarters of the 26-rsquo; company, where all’ today continues, in addition to the production of roses, the search for hybrids aimed at improving the characteristics of these roses. The resistance to diseases, the adaptation to different microclimates, the capacityà to flourish again, the vigor of the growth of vegetation are just some of the points that research is still fixing and improving, although the results are already bad; per day d’ optimal today.
Whether it is scented English roses or low scented English roses, the growing characteristics do not change. An English rose has growing needs regardless of the scent of its flower. English roses are of the 26-agrave varieties; of roses that generally need 5-6 hours of light a day and that suffer from the excessive heat of the 26-rsquo; summer, pausing a few times and ceasing to produce flowers. As of 26-rsquo; today there are so many hybrids of English roses that one can find plants suitable even for moreù climates; dry and warm, always remaining within a temperate climate.
Like almost all varietiesà of roses, even English roses suffer from some diseases typical of this species. The mushrooms that più frequently affecting English roses are l’ powdery mildew, rust and scab while as far as parasites are concerned, aphids (rose lice) are certainly the problem that mostù frequently affects roses.