Eddy Mitchell - Black Gold ® Meirysett hybrid tea rose

Eddy Mitchell - Black Gold ® Meirysett

Original and quite peculiar colours are displayed by this variety in its full bloom: the spiralling corolla opens up to its nearly 30 petals of a dark red, velvety, nearly red colour in the inside, while on the opposite side the colour is gold-yellow, creating an elegant and graceful contrast.

The plant is bushy and grows to a height of about 60-70cm; displays only one bloom per stem. The fragrance is delicate, the foliage dark green, blooms continuously throughout the season. Can be either pot grown or planted in the garden for every use (cut flower, borders, bushes).

Eddy Mitchell - Black Gold ® Meirysett
Rose name Breeder Description
Eddy Mitchell - Black Gold ® Meirysett Meilland The Eddy Mitchell has a very peculiar combination of colours: gold-yellow and a velvety nearly-black red colour.
Price Weight
13,20 2,5 kg

vaso 2,4 Litri

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