Mabella® - New Day® - KORgold

Mabella® - New Day® - KORgold

Elegant double flower, cupped, with a diameter of 12-13 cm filled with 25-35 golden yellow petals, sometimes paler towards the centre. Strong fragrance. Repeat-flowering, it grows upright up to 125 cm in height and 100 cm in width.
Quite resistant to diseases, it has large, opaque, light green foliage; it lends itself to cutting and cultivation in pots.
Selected by Reimer Kordes in 1972, it won the Silver Medal at the Geneva Rose Competition in 1973

Mabella® - New Day® - KORgold
Rose name Breeder Description
Mabella® - New Day® - KORgold Kordes Rosen Beautiful Hybrid Tea rose with large, yellow, fragrant and repeat-flowering flowers.
Price Weight
13,20 2,5 kg

vaso 2,4 Litri