Parfum de Nantes® - ADAsixalo hybrid tea rose

Parfum de Nantes® - ADAsixalo

Parfum de Nantes® has over 40 petals with a gold base and a white center with a fuchsia edge, and is elegant, cup-shaped, double, with an intense fragrance: a bloom that is a joy to look at. Blooms generously, it is strong, vigorous, not subject to disease; it grows up to 80 cm in height with foliage of a bright dark green. Suitable for bouquets it also grows well in pots. Selected by Adam, it was presented by Nirp in 2016, and is part of the collection NIRPARFUM® and has won the award of the Spanish rose association and the fragrance award in Barcelona 2015; the first international prize of the city of Nantes in Nantes in 2015; the award for the most fragrant (choix des enfants) in Bagatelle in 2014.

Parfum de Nantes® - ADAsixalo
Rose name Breeder Description
Parfum de Nantes® - ADAsixalo Nirp Magnificent hybrid tea rose with a pinkish white flower with hints of gold, fragrant and disease-resistant
Price Weight
12,90 2,5 kg

vaso 2,4 Litri