The Garden of Roses is a Romantic Rose that belongs to the Patio group and its blooms are cream with shades of pink and apricot. The fragrance is delicate and the flower is medium, full, with a petal count of more than 41 and an Old Rose charm. The blooms are displayed in clusters and have a rosette form. Blooms repeatedly throughout the season. Grows bushy and compact to a height of 50-60 cm and spreads up to 60 cm; the foliage is glossy and medium sized. Can be grown in a large container.
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Rose name | Breeder | Description |
Garden of Roses ® | Kordes Rosen | The Garden of Roses is a Hybrid Tea Romantic Rose, an excellent choice if you want to grow your roses in a pot and is suitable to enrich and liven up terraces and gardens. |
Price | Weight | |
13,20 € | 2,5 kg |
vaso 2,4 Litri