Lemon Fizz® shrub rose

Lemon Fizz®

A shrub rose that has been rightfully entitled with the ADR certificate in 2015 thanks to its repeat bloomings and disease-resistance, very important features for city gardens and landscapes. The flower is semi-double (more than 5 petals), with a diameter of 8 cm, yellow and with visible stamens. It has been included in the Kordes' Nectargarden collection that comprises roses for natural gardening. Grows upright as a compact bush to a height of 90 cm and spreads up to 60 cm; the foliage is medium, semi-glossy and dark green.

Lemon Fizz®
Rose name Breeder Description
Lemon Fizz® Kordes Rosen One of the best yellow ground cover roses hybridized in the last years. Healthy, repeat-flowering and hardy.
Price Weight
6,80 1,8 kg

vaso 1,5 Litri

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