Blush Noisette

Blush Noisette

This is one of the first Noisette roses, it grows as a bush, but it can also develop as a climber (200x120 cm). The flowers are gathered in thick bunches, are small, cupped, semi-double and of a pale pink color with soft lilac nuances. It has a soft habit and the foliage is dense and light green, without thorns. It re-flowers well and has a good resistance to cold. The scent is pleasant with a hint of cloves.

Blush Noisette
Rose name Breeder Description
Blush Noisette Philippe Noisette One of the first Noisette roses. Scented. It can be used as a small climber.
Price Weight
15,00 2,5 kg

vaso 2,4 Litri