Wedding Piano ® romantic rose

Wedding Piano ®

Selected by Tantau in 2009 but introduced only in 2013, the blooms of this Romantic rose are medium, 7 cm in diameter, double, cupped, quartered and filld with more than 41 cream-white, fragrant petals. The Wedding Piano is a repeat-flowering variety. The blooms (like all those of the Piano range) open up slowly, are excellent for cutting, long-lasting and rain-resistant. Grows healthy and vigorous to a height of 100 cm and a width of 60 cm. Can be easily cultivated in a large container.

Wedding Piano ®
Rose name Breeder Description
Wedding Piano ® Tantau Rosen The Wedding Piano is a Nostalgic Hybrid Tea rose with white-cream, fragrant blooms that are highly appreciated for cutting.
Price Weight
13,20 2,5 kg

vaso 2,4 Litri

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